
Instagram Trends to Look Forward

Back in time, Instagram marketing used to be merely about sharing branded posts and content. Then influencer marketing became the talk of the town. With the addition of IGTV and Instagram Stories, brands found another effective way to market their business and get their brand message across.

In this digital age, Instagram is no longer ‘just another social platform’. In fact, it has a great monetizing platform for both small and large businesses alike. In 2020, Instagram is all about Stories, long-form video content, creativity, e-commerce platform transformation, authentic content, and visual effects. Plus, we are more likely to see a new focus on conversion through the most effective influencer marketing. This platform now offers enhanced tools that enable users to create attention-grabbing and engaging content. On top of that, the platform has successfully evolved to support its growing number of influencers. It would not be wrong to say that Instagram is on the road to becoming an economic engine for influencers and brands.

You must have heard of the saying that goes like ‘Change is the only constant’ and that could not be any truer in the evolving world of digital marketing. Whether you are on your way to building your presence on Instagram or have gained a huge number of followers over the years, it is important to stay ahead of the curve by getting yourself familiar with the latest Instagram trends in 2020. When you have this knowledge, you will end up optimizing both the reach of your business and your Instagram page. So, it would be worth taking a look at Instagram trends for your growing business.

It is important to stay on top of these changes, otherwise, you will fall behind your competition. To help you out, we have curated a list of key Instagram trends that will let you see whether you are ahead of the game.

Instagram Shopping Will be on a Rise

In this age where buyers prefer to shop online instead of taking a trip to the physical store, Instagram has proved to be an essential platform for online selling. Not only do brands use Instagram to add direct buy links to their product posts but also an entire community of online sellers are benefiting exclusively from Instagram to sell their products.

The visually pleasing and attractive style of this platform makes it a whole lot easier for brands to exhibit their products. Plus, the social aspect attached to this platform helps the brand connect with its consumers.

Instagram Stories Are Here to Stay

Instagram Stories was introduced in the year 2016 and have been fast-growing since then. The daily active users of Instagram stories have reached 500 million now and it not going to stop any time soon.

Instagram is trying its best to share your stories with more and more people. In fact, it has even added in the option to share your stories to Facebook, so that everyone on your Facebook friend list can also see them.

Whether you are using your personal Instagram profile or your business Instagram profile, this feature is available for both of them. It is, without a doubt, one effective way to cross-promote your brand content so that you can reach your target audience in no time.

Instagram also comes equipped with a wide range of features to benefit from within your Stories. To make your stories more fun, you can add Instagram music. Not only that, incorporating animated stickers can make your stories more interactive. To take advantage of this feature to the fullest, you must be connected toWindstream communication.

Tweets and Memes Are Not Going Any Time Soon

It’s always a good idea to get ideas from different social media platforms to create eye-catching and interesting content that resonates with your target audience. Since tweets and memes have become exceedingly popular among people, you should also incorporate them in Instagram marketing strategy.

Instagram is no longer just about creating the aesthetically pleasing and attractive feed. In fact, there are a large number of Instagram accounts that are dedicated specifically to memes that make people have a good laugh.

In fact, different brands are using Instagram to share screenshots of tweets in their posts and Stories as well. You can use either a tweet of your own or tweets of other users, but don’t forget to give credit to the tweet’s original creator by including their Twitter handle or tagging them if they are already an Instagram user.

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Undoubtedly, this is an ideal way to bring a bit of humor on your feed, share the expert opinions of others in your industry, and re-share some of your great content or get replies from fans across the globe.

Here is how you can share tweets on Instagram and reach a greater audience:

  • Make sure you share expert opinions and thoughts in your industry.
  • Try bringing a bit of humor into your feed while invoking your brand style and theme at the same time

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